First Steps in SAP Controlling (CO)

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First Steps in SAP Controlling (CO)

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  • Von
  • Ashish Sampat

204 Seiten, 1. Auflage , ISBN: 9783960121473

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This book offers a comprehensive introduction to SAP ERP Controlling (CO). You will learn the basic fundamentals of the organizational structure, master data, and functions of SAP Controlling, including overhead controlling, product costing, month-end closing, and reporting. If you would like to understand the basic fundamentals of SAP Controlling, with examples based on a case study approach, this book is for you! Using a fictional chocolate manufacturing company case study, you will learn fundamentals based on several day-in-the-life scenarios of various key functions such as cost planning, production controlling, actual costing, and information systems. Get detailed information on how SAP CO integrates with other SAP modules and obtain insight into the different functional areas typically used in manufacturing organizations. Dive into SAP ERP master data elements and get tips on how to maintain consistent and accurate data. Review the various planning methods available and get an overview of cost center planning, including overhead planning and labor cost planning. Understand how SAP Material Ledger can be used to accurately determine costs. Identify how actual costs are booked and absorbed. By using a detailed case study, practical examples, tips, and screenshots the author brings readers new to SAP CO quickly up to speed on the fundamentals.

  • Cost center and product cost planning, actual cost flow
  • Best practices for cost absorption using Product Cost Controlling
  • Month-end closing activities in SAP Controlling
  • Examples and screenshots based on a case study approach