Expert tips to Unleash the Full Potential of SAP Controlling

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Expert tips to Unleash the Full Potential of SAP Controlling

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  • Von
  • Ashish Sampat

156 Seiten, 1. Auflage , ISBN: 9783960128090

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This book is written for SAP Controlling (CO) professionals who want to learn expert tips to optimize their system performance for configuration, reconciliation, and reporting. Using a fictional chocolate manufacturing case study, each tip provides detailed information on aspects of the functionality, how it can help you, why you should use it, and how to use it including SAP configuration steps. Obtain best practices for optimizing cost allocation methods, expediting material ledger close, and utilizing cost center overhead charges. Troubleshoot product costing messages and find out how to prevent GL account overrides during inventory posting transactions. Walk through best practices for effectively maintaining master data and standard costing methods. By using an integrated practical example and screenshots, the author informs readers on how to get the most out of their SAP ERP system.

  • Optimize SAP ERP Controlling configuration, reconciliation, and reporting
  • Transaction processing tips to ensure accurate data capture
  • Instructions for avoiding common month-end close pain points
  • Reporting and reconciliation best practices