A Practical Guide to SAP S/4HANA Administration: Monitoring and Optimizing Performance

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A Practical Guide to SAP S/4HANA Administration: Monitoring and Optimizing Performance

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  • Von
  • Fernando Roque

164 Seiten, , ISBN: 9783960123828

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Unlock the secrets of SAP HANA administration with this comprehensive guide on monitoring transaction performance and optimizing database design. Delve into the intricacies of system architecture, tenant and system databases, and the impact of database design on processing performance. With chapters dedicated to analyzing SQL execution performance, detecting transaction problems, ensuring database consistency, and implementing backup strategies, this book equips software developers, systems engineers, and database administrators with essential tools. Whether you’re navigating OLTP or OLAP applications, practical insights and real-world case studies provide invaluable guidance to enhance performance and streamline administration tasks. Discover how to optimize SQL queries, prevent data loss, diagnose CPU and memory issues, and manage system and tenant databases effectively. With a focus on practical application and theoretical foundations, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in SAP HANA administration. Obtain strategies to ensure optimal database performance and streamline administration tasks.

  • Impact of database design on HANA processing performance
  • SAP HANA architecture: system database and multi-tenant topology
  • Monitoring SAP HANA infrastructure: services, CPU, memory, and disk usage
  • SAP HANA user roles and privileges in a multi-tenant environment